Well I write this memo to you to tell you that tomorrow I will be in Rep. Dominicana. I will return in one week, Dan is doing my work while I'm gome. I hope that you are waiting for me haha, take care Danae.
Thanks for your letter, well I answer your question, the most popular food here is, sopaipillas, choripan, cazuela. The food that I like more is sopaipillas. I eat sopaipillas all days. And you Oliver, ¿what you like to eat?, I will be waiting your letter.
¡Dan!,¿how are you?,I hope that you are fine, well I send you this letter to tell you that I change my hobby, know I recolect some rocks when I go to the beach.
I go the beach one a week is so funny because my last hobby was only inside of home, and this not.